The New All-in-One IVM Series

Confocal and Two-Photon Microscopy System for Live Animal Imaging

Intravital microscopy is a powerful imaging technique that allows real-time visualization of biological processes within living organisms.
Unlike traditional microscopy, which often involves studying fixed or isolated samples, intravital microscopy enables researchers observe dynamic events in their natural physiological context.
This technique is commonly employed in preclinical research in various fields including immunology, neuroscience, and cancer research, thus providing crucial insights into cellular behavior, interactions, and responses within living systems.


Intravital Microscopy Series 3

Have the opportunity to experience the world’s first All-in-One Intravital Microscopy Platform, Series 3, from IVIM Technology

The "New All-in-One IVM Series" stands as a game-changer addressing the critical need for effective cellular validation, tracking, and mode of action determination in real-time. It not only elevates academic research capabilities by providing cutting-edge tools for cellular exploration but also revolutionizes industrial research by expediting drug development timelines and improving overall success rates in the competitive pharmaceutical landscape.


  • Motion Compensation Function

    Provides enhanced image quality of dynamic organs by automatically compensating for the effects of respiratory motions and brain pulses

  • Fast to Ultrafast Scanning

    Allows users to track the movement of several cells in vivo to better understand the biological processes that are being examined

  • Customized Systems

    Various apparatuses can be seamlessly integrated into the system depending on the research requirements and the researcher’s preferences

  • AI Noise-Canceling

    IVIM's AI noise-canceling feature distinguish and eliminate noise, ensuring clearer and more accurate fluorescence signal detection

  • Animal Safety Check-up

    allows continuous animal observation during imaging, facilitated by a camera inserted inside the system enclosure.

  • Temperature

    allows check the animal's condition in real time by Feedback Heater Control, Body Plate Heater, Thermometer Sensor & Cover Glass Heater.


  • 4-Color Simultaneous Imaging

    The Intravital Microscope features four channels and detectors, enabling simultaneous visualization in four different colors, which greatly enhances research capabilities. This multiplexity allows for simultaneous monitoring of up to four labeled elements within the tissue.

  • Deep Tissue Imaging

    In a two-photon microscope, the mechanism involves the fluorophore's simultaneous absorption of the photons within a few femtoseconds, leading to fluorophore excitation and subsequent light emission. Two-photon microscopy is particularly valuable for live cell imaging, especially in deeper and thicker tissues, surpassing the capabilities of confocal microscopy. Additionally, its second harmonic generation occurrence enhances axial and lateral resolution, rivaling confocal microscopy as pinholes are unnecessary. This makes two-photon microscopy a powerful tool for capturing high-quality images in diverse biological contexts.

  • 4-Color Simultaneous Imaging

    In vivo Imaging apparatus for longitudinal Imaging

    IVIM Technology offers intravital in vivo imaging apparatus for long-term imaging of various organs such as heart, lung, brain, abdominal organs, mammary tissue, pancreas and uterus in living mice. Our systems allow for continuous imaging sessions for several weeks post-exposure, minimizing the need for sacrificing animals after each session and promoting ethical research practices.

  • 2D/3D/4D Imaging Data Visualization & Analysis

    By using our software, users can observe movements over time in video format and easily visualize cross-sectional images from the side. Additionally, 3D reconstruction is also effortlessly achievable.


  • IVM-C3


    Tractable, Fast, Gentle

    IVM-C3 is a highly integrated system for in vivo imaging, offering significantly enhanced detection efficiency, optical resolution, and image contrast compared to conventional fluorescence microscopy.

  • IVM-M3


    Deep Tissue Imaging, High-Resolution, Tunable

    IVM-M3 seamlessly combines the flexibility of a traditional converted microscope with the high-resolution imaging capabilities of second-harmonic generation microscopy.

  • IVM-CM3


    High Contrast, High Resolution, Dual-mode, Tunable

    IVM-CM3 delivers exceptional contrast and resolution with its tunable Two-Photon laser unit, allowing focus on desired wavelengths ranging from as low as 690 nm to higher up to 1050 nm, and everything in between.

  • IVM-MS3


    Compact, Cost-Saving, Hands-Free

    IVM-MS3 represents thesmart evolution of IVM-M3, an All-in-One Two-Photon Intravital Microscopy system meticulously optimized for in vivo imaging.

  • IVM-CMS3


    Cost-Effective, Straightforward, Dual-Mode

    IVM-CMS3 stands out as the world's most compact and affordable dual-mode intravital confocal and two-photon microscope, offering versatile functionality in a single, streamlined box.

  • IVM-Open Customized System


    Practical, Customizable

    The IVM-FS system offers the same functions as the IVM-CMS3 system, with the key difference being its larger stage and modules, designed to accommodate animals larger than mice and rats (older than 6 weeks), such as ferrets, rabbits, and others. With the dark curtain provided, there's no need for a dedicated dark room or specific space just for the microscope.

IVM-C3 (Confocal v.3)

IVM-C3 (Confocal v.3)

IVM-C3 is a highly integrated system for in vivo imaging, offering significantly enhanced detection efficiency, optical resolution, and image contrast compared to conventional fluorescence microscopy. With a 4-wavelength laser and four high-sensitivity confocal detectors, IVM-C3 enables multi-dimensional views of living cells and tissues in 3D or 4D, while supporting up to four different colors.

Key Features

Tractable Fast Gentle

Bone Marrow

Transplanted cell Vessel (CD31)

IVM-C3 (Confocal v.3)

Bone Marrow

Transplanted cell Vessel (CD31)

IVM-C3 (Confocal v.3)

Bone Marrow

Transplanted cell Vessel (CD31)

IVM-C3 (Confocal v.3)

IVM-M3 (Two-Photon v. 3)

DeepTissueImaging,High-resolution, Tunable

IVM-M3 (Two-Photon v. 3)

IVM-M3 seamlessly combines the flexibility of a traditional converted microscope with the high-resolution imaging capabilities of second-harmonic generation microscopy. Featuring a fully automated tunable fs-pulse NIR laser system, IVM-M3 excels in deep tissue imaging by using less-scattering NIR wavelengths. The comprehensive control functionality of the fs- laser system is integrated with the two-photon imaging software, ensuring user convenience with various automation algorithms. Experience advanced imaging with IVM-M3 for your research needs.

Key Features

Deep Tissue Imaging High-Resolution Tunable
IVM-M3 (Two-Photon v. 3)
IVM-M3 (Two-Photon v. 3)

IVM-CM3 (ConfocalandTwo-Photon v. 3)

IVM-CM3 (ConfocalandTwo-Photon v. 3)

IVM-CM3 delivers exceptional contrast and resolution with its tunable Two-Photon laser unit.It allows focus on samples at desired wavelengths ranging from as low as 690 nm to as high as  1050 nm, and everything in between. This cutting-edge system seamlessly combines the strengths of both Confocal and Two-Photon microscopy, offering limitless possibilities for three- dimensional imaging of living cells whether near the skin or deep within tumors in small animals. Explore the potential of IVM-CM3 for advanced and versatile imaging in your research.

Key Features

High Contrast High Resolution Dual-mode Tunable


Fibrotic collagen Hepatocyte

IVM-CM3 (ConfocalandTwo-Photon v. 3)

Fibrotic collagen Hepatocyte

IVM-CM3 (ConfocalandTwo-Photon v. 3)

Fibrotic collagen Hepatocyte

IVM-CM3 (ConfocalandTwo-Photon v. 3)

IVM-MS3 (Two- Photon Smart v.3)

IVM-MS3 (Two- Photon Smart v.3)

IVM-MS3 represents thesmart evolution of IVM-M3, an All-in-One Two-Photon Intravital Microscopy system meticulously optimized for in vivo imaging. This system seamlessly integrates a compact, high-stability, and maintenance-free fs-pulse laser unit into a single box. With the ability to focus on deep tissues at a fixed wavelength of 920nm, IVM- MS3 serves as an exceptional resource for researchers with specific targets, offering optimal functionality within limited resources and budget constraints. Explore the possibilities with IVM-MS3 for efficient and budget-friendly in vivo imaging.

Key Features

Compact Cost-Saving Hands-Free


Transplanted cell Transplanted cell Vessel (CD31)

IVM-MS3 (Two- Photon Smart v.3)

Large Intestine

Immune cell Mamnose (anti-inflammation) Blood vessel (EB)

IVM-MS3 (Two- Photon Smart v.3)


H2B (Nuclei) ROSA-mT/mG Blood vessel (EB)

IVM-MS3 (Two- Photon Smart v.3)

IVM-CMS3 (Confocal and Two-Photon Smart v. 3)

IVM-CMS3 (Confocal and Two-Photon Smart v. 3)

IVM-CMS3 stands out as the world's most compact and affordable dual-mode intravital confocal and two-photon microscope, offering versatile functionality in a single, streamlined box. Leveraging the confocal laser units from IVM-C3 and the compact two-photon laser unit from IVM-MS3, IVM-CMS3 features a one-switch (one-click) mode changing capability, providing convenient multi-purpose use for intravital functional imaging while optimizing space and minimizing costs. Explore the efficient and cost-saving capabilities of IVM-CMS3 for your diverse imaging needs.

Key Features

Cost-Effective Straightforward Dual-Mode


CAG-RFP Collagen (SHG)

IVM-CMS3 (Confocal and Two-Photon Smart v. 3)


Collagen (SHG) Lipid Droplet (SF44)

IVM-CMS3 (Confocal and Two-Photon Smart v. 3)


Sarcomere (SHG) Vessel (CD31) Nerve (Thy1)

IVM-CMS3 (Confocal and Two-Photon Smart v. 3)

IVM-FS (Free-Space)

Practical, Customizable

IVM-CMS3 (Confocal and Two-Photon Smart v. 3)

The IVM-FS system offers the same functions as the IVM-CMS3 system, with the key difference being its larger stage and modules, designed to accommodate animals larger than mice and rats (older than 6 weeks), such as ferrets, rabbits, and others. With the dark curtain provided, there's no need for a dedicated dark room or specific space just for the microscope.

Key Features

Practical and Customizable - Tailored to Your Research Needs