Intravital Microscopy
According to data from regulatory authorities, the acceptance rate of new drug candidates has been stuck at around 10 percent worldwide for the last few decades. Determining the validation, tracking, and mode of action (MOA) of new drug candidates at the preclinical development stage in vivo, is vital for the effectiveness and authorization of the new drug.
IVIM Technology continuously optimizes its products with thehelp of its engineers and the know-how gained in the field by itsapplication specialists. IVIM Technology provides reliable results for validating the ADME, drug delivery/efficacy and MOA studies in the early stages of new drug development processes.
Motion Compensation for Live Animal and Tissue Movement

The movements of various organs and tissues within living organisms are driven by tens of heartbeats per second, several respiratory cycles per second, involuntary muscle contractions and relaxations. To accurately correct such tissue movements, it is fundamentally essential to implement high-speed imaging capable of acquiring frames at well over a hundred frames per second in real-time biological microscopy.
Principle of Motion compensation
IVIM Technology is equipped with advanced algorithms in its Software that allow for flawless correction of movements, ensuring clear and high-quality imaging of organs such as the heart.
Our developed live tissue motion automatic correction algorithm, recognizes patterns of tissue movement occurring during respiration from real-time high-speed microscopy videos. It automatically identifies time intervals where movement due to respiration is minimized. Subsequently, it detects additional movement caused by faster heartbeats within these intervals and uses the least motion-distorted single frame as the reference frame for individual frame-by-frame motion correction.
For each frame, it detects motion with the precision of less than a single pixel relative to the reference frame, automatically correcting it. Finally, it selects and averages the highest quality frames among the corrected frames to generate high-quality corrected images of biological tissue motion. This process ensures optimal results for a wide range of spatial-temporal tissue movements by precisely focusing on defined areas. IVIM Technology provides this sophisticated and complex functionality with just a single click.
Motion compensation
Automatic, hassle-free high-precision motion compensation
Accelerate algorithm processing
Immediate acquisition of motion-compensated imaging results using GPU-assisted parallel computing to accelerate algorithm processing
Spatiotemporal tissue movements
Guarantee optimal results for a wide range of spatiotemporal tissue movement, from slowly moving tissue
Synergistic effect
Synergistic effect with ultrafast intravital imaging