Intravital Microscopy
According to data from regulatory authorities, the acceptance rate of new drug candidates has been stuck at around 10 percent worldwide for the last few decades. Determining the validation, tracking, and mode of action (MOA) of new drug candidates at the preclinical development stage in vivo, is vital for the effectiveness and authorization of the new drug.
IVIM Technology continuously optimizes its products with thehelp of its engineers and the know-how gained in the field by itsapplication specialists. IVIM Technology provides reliable results for validating the ADME, drug delivery/efficacy and MOA studies in the early stages of new drug development processes.
All-in-One Platform
Conventional Approach

Individual users often face the challenge of having to improvise necessary functions for each intravital imaging application when using conventional standalone microscopes :
- High degree of technical difficulty for non expert individual user
- Non-optimized intravital imaging performance
- Limited applicability to various organs
- Difficult to standardize intravital imaging procedure
- Difficult to establish universal protocol for experiment
- Limited reproducibility and productivity
All-in-One IVM Platform

IVIM Technology's All-in-One Intravital Confocal/Two-Photon microscopy system (IM-C3/M3/CM3/MS3/CMS3) is extensively optimized and carefully engineered to provide superb performance in the intravital imaging of live animal models in vivo.
All-in-One IVM Platform
- All-in-One single-box packaged Intravital Microscopy (IM) system
- Fully integrated with key functionalities for imaging of live animal model
- Unified animal stage to accommodate various accessories for wide-range of intravital imaging applications
- User-triendly design for easy and smooth operation