Application: Inflammatory Bowel Disease Model
In vivo imaging of immune reaction response in inflammatory bowel disease
In this experiment, we aimed to observe the immune reactivity of natural substances in an inflammatory disease animal model by monitoring immune responses over time in the colon lumen and around blood vessels. To observe the immune response, we made an incision in the peritoneum to expose the colon, then exposed the lumen to examine the activation of immune responses in the colon lumen and around blood vessels.
Therapeutic Target(s)
In an inflammatory bowel disease animal model, the purpose of treatment and drug administration is deeply related to understanding the pathological mechanisms of the disease, which include villus atrophy due to a massive increase in immune response. The primary focus is to monitor immune responses, emphasizing changes in immune biomarkers within the colon lumen and blood vessels.
Mouse Model
The use of DSS (dextran sulfate sodium) in an inflammatory bowel disease animal model induces villus atrophy in the colon through oral administration. A regimen of 5 cycles of DSS administration is necessary. This model is optimized for observing the initial increase in immune response within the colon, making it ideal for studying immune reactions via oral administration of DSS.
Experiment Design
Group #1 - Natural Product
- Dosing: Receive Natural Product (5mg/kg) via oral administration.
- Frequency: Oral administration for once
- Sample Size: N=3
Group #2 - DSS + Natural Product
- Dosing: Receive Natural Product (5mg/kg) with 2% DSS via oral administration.
- Frequency: Oral administration for once
- Sample Size: N=3
- Total Time (Initiation to Completion): 1month