Intravital Microscopy
Conventional Macro-Scale Imaging
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Micro Scale : Target Microenvironment Imaging
The world's first All-in-One intravital microscopy platform from IVIM Technology is a crucial solution capable of exploring the complex dynamic behaviors of numerous cells inside a living body. It serves as the next-generation core technology to elucidate the unknown pathophysiology of various human diseases and discover new cures.
Real-time Method
Intravital Microscope
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Continuous/real-time monitoring through individual survival maintenance
Advantages of Intravital Microscope
- Increases the reliability of results
- Accurate and continuous in vivo imaging on a single sample
Time and Cost
- Reduces required time and cost
- Reduce error and the need for re-trial by utilizing the same animal longitudinally
Animal Reduction
- 80% reduction in the number of laboratory animals needed
- Multiple imaging sessions with the same subject over time
Sigle-time Method
Conventional Imaging
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Conduct autopsies after each imaging session for multiple-time monitoring purposes
Disadvantages of Conventional Imaging
Phase 2 clinical trial outcome data
- Non-clinical efficacy evaluation data
Phase 2 clinical trial failure
- Unexpected side effects
Due to differences in individual characteristics, confirming the precise mechanism of action and efficacy of drugs is challenging.